

1. General
1.1. Explain to me like I’m five what Maany is and why it was initiated?

Maany is like a big piggy bank for artists. It was started because many artists don’t get paid enough for their work. Maany helps artists earn and save money by chatting with their communities, using a special kind of money called a token. Everyone who uses Maany helps to make it better and decide what happens next. The money the system makes goes back into helping more artists, so it keeps growing in a sustainable and self-sustaining way.

1.2. What is a community-owned project and why is Maany community-owned?

A community-owned project means that the people who use and support the project—in Maany’s case, artists and their communities—actually own the network by holding tokens. These tokens represent the value of the entire project and are distributed to users as rewards. Initially, the token is sold to investors in two private rounds to finance the development of the app and the creation of the token. Once the token is created, it is listed on exchanges, allowing public retail investors to participate. Points earned by users on the app are then used to reward tokens out of the community wallet.

Maany is community-owned because it believes that the people who use and help scale the project should have control and benefit directly from it, rather than big companies and middlemen in the artist industries, which is the current status quo.

This community ownership is best achieved through an independent token, which not only reflects the value of the project but also gives holders ownership of the ecosystem. Ownership means power to vote on important ecosystem decisions. These decisions can include new features, rewards for users, staking rewards for investors, and the mandates for the development team.

An independently elected Council governs the project, ensuring the voice of the token holders is heard and that voted changes are implemented in line with their collective will. This system ensures that the project remains true to the community’s needs and interests.

2. Artist Related
2.1. How does Maany want to improve the financial situation of artists, and how do DJs, musicians, collectives, and promoters benefit?

Maany improves the financial situation of artists by generating community-driven revenue (explained in detail in the Business Model section) and distributing it through token reward programs on the Maany app. The goal is to channel the revenues in the form of rewards to all kinds of artists.

2.2. What exactly do artists have to do in order to earn, and how much money can they make?

Maany improves the financial situation of artists by generating community-driven revenue (explained in detail in the Business Model section) and distributing it through token reward programs on the Maany app. Artists can earn in three main ways:

  1. Building Their Community: Artists earn points by growing their fan base on Maany.
  2. Engagement: They earn points for each new member joining their groups, events, or experiences.
  3. Artistic Recognition: Artists are rewarded based on recognition from their communities and peers, ensuring that their artistic contributions are valued and compensated.
2.3. How does Maany make sure that smaller artists, instead of successful mainstream artists, benefit from it?

Maany's reward metrics, including early supporter rewards, are specifically designed to benefit smaller artists. For example, the point system includes a limit of 4,500 points on new users, recognizing that smaller artists generally have smaller communities compared to bigger artists. This helps ensure that smaller artists have a fair chance to earn meaningful rewards.

To further support smaller artists, Maany aims to distribute $500–$1,000 payouts to as many artists as possible, rather than concentrating earnings among top creators.

Additionally, these reward metrics are subject to community governance, meaning the community of token holders can vote on what is being rewarded. By allowing those who receive token rewards on the app or buy tokens to decide on these matters, Maany ensures that the system remains fair and inclusive, supporting a wider range of artists, including smaller and emerging creators.

2.4. How does Maany’s pension savings work?

Maany’s pension savings allow artists to set aside some of the tokens they earn for the future. These savings grow over time, like a piggy bank that gradually gets bigger, ensuring that artists have funds available when they need them later.

How Staking Works:

Maany’s pension savings work through staking, a widely used technology in blockchain. When artists or token holders stake their tokens, they lock them up for a period of time. By doing this, they help stabilize the token price, which is crucial for the overall health of the Maany ecosystem.

Earning APY:

In return for staking their tokens, participants earn an Annual Percentage Yield (APY), which is essentially a share of the community-generated revenues. This means that those who stake their tokens are entitled to a portion of the profits that Maany generates. This system not only helps artists save for the future but also rewards them for contributing to the platform's stability and growth.

2.5. How does Maany’s pension savings benefit artists over public and private alternatives?

Unlike regular pensions, Maany’s pension savings are directly tied to the success of the community. This means that as more people join and support Maany, the value of these savings can grow faster, providing artists with a potentially larger and more personalized safety net.

Additionally, it’s important to note that artists are not required to use the pension savings system. They have the flexibility to exchange their earnings into fiat currency at any time if they prefer. This gives artists more control over their financial future, allowing them to choose the option that best suits their needs.

2.6. Why does Maany accept investors such as venture capitalists, and what is their interest?

The development team is incentivized by owning 15% of the overall token supply, aligning their interests with the success of Maany both in the short term and long term. Their incentive is directly tied to the growth in the value of Maany’s tokens and the platform’s expanding user base, ensuring they remain invested in the project’s sustained success. Additionally, the development team has the longest cliff and vesting periods of all token holders, further aligning their commitment to the long-term success of the platform.

The funds raised from the private sale to investors are used to develop Maany to the point where the token can be created and listed on exchanges. This initial investment is crucial for advancing the project and ensuring it is ready for broader market participation.

To ensure fairness and transparency, the development team’s token allocation is embedded in smart contracts, making it immutable and publicly verifiable. Additionally, another 15% of the token supply is allocated from the community wallet for the ongoing development and marketing of the Maany app. This includes distributing tokens to artists who help the project achieve its goals and grow the platform, thus supporting both app development and community-driven promotion.

In the long run, the development company plans to operate on a cost-covering basis and will submit a proposal for community governance once the appropriate point in the project’s development has been reached.

2.7. What is the incentive of Maany’s development team now and in the long run?

The development team is incentivized by owning 15% of the overall token supply, which aligns their interests with the success of Maany both in the short term and long term. Their incentive is directly tied to the growth in the value of Maany’s tokens and the platform’s expanding user base, ensuring they remain invested in the project’s sustained success. Additionally, the development team has the longest cliff and vesting periods of all token holders, further aligning their commitment to the long-term success of the platform.

The funds raised from the private sale to investors are used to develop Maany to the point where the token can be created and listed on exchanges. This initial investment is crucial for advancing the project and ensuring it is ready for broader market participation.

To ensure fairness and transparency, the development team’s token allocation is embedded in smart contracts, making it immutable and publicly verifiable. Additionally, another 15% of the token supply is allocated from the community wallet for the ongoing development and marketing of the Maany app. This includes distributing tokens to artists who help the project achieve its goals and grow the platform, thus supporting both app development and community-driven promotion.

2.8. What are the benefits of introducing a token instead of concepts like OnlyFans where users give money directly to artists?

Introducing a token doesn’t exclude the possibility of Maany implementing a direct payment model similar to OnlyFans, as outlined in the business model section. However, Maany tokens offer additional benefits that go beyond just direct payments. With tokens, the community collectively owns the platform, ensuring that the value created is distributed among all members. This ownership model enables artists to earn not just through direct payments but also by saving, investing, and benefiting from the overall growth of the platform—something that’s only possible with a token-based system.

By holding tokens, artists can vote on important ecosystem decisions and help govern the platform, ensuring it evolves in a way that serves the community’s best interests.

Moreover, using a token offers significant advantages in reaching global markets. Transferring fiat currency to large parts of Asia, Africa, and Latin America can be challenging, expensive, and sometimes even impossible. Maany tokens provide an efficient and inclusive method for artists and fans in these regions to participate in the ecosystem, ensuring that the platform can serve a truly global community.

3. Business Model
3.1. What is Maany’s business model?

Maany’s token serves as the foundation of the platform, representing ownership and granting voting power to holders. It is also the primary mechanism for transferring value to users on the app, ensuring that the community directly benefits from the platform's success.

The business model includes several revenue-generating activities:

  1. Community Fund: Maany uses tokens to invest in profit-seeking projects that generate returns for the ecosystem.
  2. Direct-to-Fan Sales: The platform enables artists to sell their music, tickets, and other content directly to their fans with zero commission. Where possible, these transactions are conducted in fiat currency.
  3. Promotions: Maany provides promotional tools for users to enhance the visibility of their content, such as events, directly on the app.
  4. Ads: There is potential for brands to post paid ads on the platform.

Decisions on which revenue models to implement are made through community voting in the governance panel. For instance, the community can vote against the inclusion of ads or the imposition of commissions on artist sales. All revenue generated through these activities is converted into Maany tokens, which are then distributed as rewards to artists and investors within the ecosystem, effectively transferring value back to the community.

3.2. How does the revenue conversion to Maany Tokens work?

Revenue generated on the platform is converted into Maany Tokens to maintain their value and ensure fair rewards for artists and the community. The process works as follows:

  1. Revenue in Maany Tokens: Any revenue generated in the form of Maany Tokens is automatically added to the community wallet.
  2. Revenue in Fiat: Revenue generated in fiat currency is pooled and then converted into Maany Tokens through a smart contract. This ensures that fiat revenue is efficiently and transparently exchanged into tokens.

Once converted, the Maany Tokens are distributed to the community and artists, aligning with the platform's goal of fair and equitable reward distribution.

3.3. How exactly does the community fund operate?

The community fund starts with tokens from the community wallet. Here’s how it operates:

  1. Resource Collection: Tokens from the community wallet are converted into fiat currency.
  2. Investment: The fiat revenue is then invested in profit-seeking projects.
  3. Returns and Reinvestment: Returns from these investments are pooled and converted back into Maany Tokens through a smart contract.
  4. Participation Requirement: The community fund becomes active only when a sufficient number of token holders participate in staking programs. Artists can stake their tokens in pension saving programs, while investors can participate in traditional staking programs.
  5. Community Decision: The community decides how the fund is used, including which projects to support and how contributions are rewarded. This ensures that all stakeholders have a say in the allocation of resources.

By requiring active participation and involving the community in both staking and decision-making, the fund supports projects and enables rewards.

3.4. What is market manipulation, and is the conversion of revenues to Maany Tokens market manipulation?

Market manipulation involves attempts by individuals or entities to unfairly influence the price of a token or asset for personal gain. This can include practices such as spreading false information, making misleading trades, or artificially inflating prices.

Maany’s revenue conversion process is transparent and adheres to strict rules to ensure fairness, so it is not considered market manipulation. Here’s how:

  1. Transparency: The process of generating and converting revenue into Maany Tokens is fully transparent. All activities and transactions are visible and auditable.
  2. Legitimate Sources: Only revenues generated from legitimate and transparent activities on the platform are converted into Maany Tokens. This is akin to how stock markets manage the conversion of revenues into investments.
  3. Fair Conversion: The conversion process follows predetermined rules and smart contracts, ensuring that conversions are fair and based on the actual value generated. This prevents any distortion of the market.

By adhering to these principles, Maany ensures that its revenue conversion process is fair, transparent, and not considered market manipulation.

4. Legal Structure
4.1. What is the legal structure of Maany, and how many legal entities does the ecosystem have?

Maany Foundation: The Maany Foundation will oversee the Maany ecosystem, ensuring it aligns with community values. It will issue and manage the Maany token, governed by an independent, democratically elected Council of experts. The Council, which rotates every six months, must implement DAO recommendations unless they conflict with fiduciary duties or the Foundation's best interests.

Development entity: Based in Vienna, the development entity handles Maany's technical development. It holds no intrinsic value, as ownership will transfer to the Foundation before final token issuance, ensuring decentralized control and transparency.

4.2. What Regulatory Jurisdiction and Legal Considerations will Apply to Maany Token ($MAANY) Investors?

The regulatory environment for Maany Token ($MAANY) and the Maany Protocol is currently uncertain and varies by jurisdiction. The Maany Foundation, along with its affiliates (referred to collectively as "Maany" or "we," "us," or "our"), has developed the Maany Protocol, which includes software applications, blockchain-based smart contracts, and digital assets. The legal status of these technologies is evolving, and it is difficult to predict how regulatory authorities will address blockchain networks, cryptographic tokens like $MAANY, and digital assets.

Different jurisdictions may impose specific legal requirements for the distribution, sale, or use of $MAANY. These could include registration, licensing, or disclosure obligations, which might impact how $MAANY functions and is used in those areas. Regulatory changes could also affect the value and operation of $MAANY.

Investors are advised to seek legal and regulatory guidance in their own regions to understand the implications of engaging with the Maany Protocol and $MAANY. The evolving regulatory landscape may lead to unforeseen legal issues or restrictions that could impact the use and value of $MAANY.

4.3. How can I be sure that large investors won’t take over Maany and make changes that harm the community?

Maany has built-in protections to ensure that the community retains control over key decisions. For example, any significant changes, such as replacing the Development Company, require a vote by the community using a "one wallet, one vote" system. To make such a change, a majority of 51% of the total votes must be reached. This system ensures that large investors cannot wield disproportionate influence. They would need to control the Development Company, which is subject to community approval through this voting process. These safeguards help prevent hostile takeovers and ensure that the development team remains accountable to the community’s collective interests.

4.4. How is the Foundation governed?

The Maany Foundation is governed by the Maany Council, an independent group of five representatives elected by Maany Token Holders (MTHs). Council members are elected every six months, though this timeline can be adjusted through community governance. The Council’s key responsibilities include:

  • Overseeing Governance: Ensuring that the governance process aligns with the community’s wishes and the Foundation’s statutes.
  • Proposal Review: Reviewing and forwarding proposals from token holders for community voting.
  • Ensuring Execution: Ensuring that the Development Company carries out initiatives according to community directives.
  • Managing Conflicts: Handling conflicts of interest and maintaining transparency.

Decisions and Voting Process:

  • Scope of Decisions: The community can vote on various matters, including the election of council members, sustainable income payouts, investor rewards through staking APYs, reward programs, and issues related to the Development Company, including potential replacement.
  • Proposal Submission: Any token holder with at least one Maany Token can submit proposals through the Maany Social Network to the Maany Council. The Council reviews these proposals and forwards accepted ones for community voting.

Voting Mechanism: Initially, a "one Token, one vote" system is used, where voting power is proportional to the number of tokens held. A proposal is approved if it receives 51% of the votes. All votes are conducted on-chain to ensure transparency and immutability.

5. Investor Related
5.1. What is the tokenomics of the Maany Tokens?

The 1 billion Maany Tokens are allocated into various categories, each with a distinct purpose:

Figure 3: The Maany Tokenomics 


  • Private Sale Rounds 1 (closed) and 2 (open): Selling Token shares to early supporters to finance the launch of the Token and the Social Network.
  • Public Round (goal Q4 2024): Allowing community participation and further project Funding.
  • Team & Advisor Allocation: Incentivizing and rewarding the Maany team, advisors, and partners for their long-term commitment.
  • Community Allocation: some text
    • To pay out scaling rewards, artist rewards, investor rewards.
    • To provide Maany Community-Fund with liquidity to invest in profit-driven ventures.
    • To pay marketing, development and other expenses. 
    • To open liquidity pools for Maany Tokens.
5.2. What is the release schedule and the lockup periods of the Maany Tokens?

Our objective is to prevent the dumping of the Maany Token, discourage speculation, align incentives between the platform and its users, mitigate risks, and ultimately enable sustainable appreciation of the Token  price. We achieve this by implementing restrictions on immediate selling (lock-up periods) and gradually unlocking Maany Tokens (vesting periods) over a time period of 6 years.

Figure 4: The Token Lockup and Vesting 

The community wallet gets unlocked based on specific milestones given by the Maany Social and the Maany Community-Fund. Initially, Tokens are unlocked when Maany Social achieves user growth and engagement targets. Once the Maany Community-Fund begins generating revenue, additional Tokens are unlocked based on both the ongoing growth and engagement of Maany Social and the return earned from the Fund.

5.3. Can investors who buy the Maany Token make losses and winnings?

Yes, investing in Maany Tokens involves both potential gains and risks. The value of Maany Tokens can fluctuate due to various factors, including market conditions, project developments, and economic trends.

  • Potential Gains: Investors may realize financial gains if the value of the tokens increases. Factors such as the success and growth of the Maany project, its adoption, and positive market sentiment can drive token value up.
  • Potential Losses: Conversely, investors may incur financial losses if the token value declines. Risks such as market volatility, project challenges, and broader economic factors can contribute to a decrease in token value.

Please be aware that the issuers of Maany Tokens are not liable for any financial losses incurred by investors. It is crucial to thoroughly research and consider these risks before making any investment decisions. Only invest amounts that you are willing and able to lose, and understand that investments in cryptocurrencies and tokens are inherently speculative.

5.4. How does Maany safeguard investors' money? 

Maany employs a range of measures to protect investors' funds:

  1. Blockchain Technology: We use advanced blockchain technology to ensure secure, transparent, and tamper-proof tracking of all transactions. This technology helps prevent unauthorized access and ensures that every transaction is recorded and visible.
  2. Smart Contracts: Maany uses smart contracts to automatically and accurately execute transactions based on predefined conditions. This reduces the risk of errors and enhances overall security.
  3. Governance and Oversight: We have strict governance processes in place, including oversight by the Maany Council. This ensures that funds are managed responsibly and in line with community decisions and regulatory standards.
  4. Security Audits: Regular audits by reputable third-party firms assess the security of our technology and smart contracts. These audits help identify and address any potential vulnerabilities.
  5. Risk Management: Our risk management practices include monitoring for unusual activity and implementing safeguards against cyber threats. This helps protect against potential risks and ensures the integrity of the system.

Transparency: Maany is committed to transparency. We provide regular updates and detailed reports on financial activities and the use of funds, keeping the community informed and engaged.

5.5. How does Maany provide liquidity so the token can be bought and sold?

Maany ensures robust liquidity through several key strategies:

  1. Liquidity Reserves: We maintain reserves in liquidity pools to support smooth trading and ensure adequate supply.
  2. Market Makers and Partnerships: Collaborations with market makers and liquidity providers help stabilize token prices and facilitate trading.
  3. Exchange Listings: Maany Tokens are listed on both decentralized and centralized exchanges, broadening market access and increasing trading volume.
  4. Revenue Utilization: Revenues generated by the Maany ecosystem are used to create new liquidity pools and enhance existing ones, boosting overall liquidity.
  5. Incentives for Participation: We offer rewards and bonuses to encourage active trading, which helps increase liquidity.
  6. Transparent Reporting: Regular updates on liquidity and trading volumes are provided to keep the community informed.

These measures collectively ensure that Maany Tokens remain highly liquid, making it easier for users to buy and sell the token.

5.6. What's the projected amount of users needed for the tokens to start generating value? 

The value of Maany Tokens is influenced by both the size and activity of the user base. While a larger and more engaged community generally boosts demand and can increase the token’s value, it is difficult to predict a specific number of users required for the tokens to start generating significant value.

Instead of focusing on an exact user count, Maany aims to cultivate a dynamic and active community, as this growth and engagement are key drivers of token value. Factors such as market conditions, platform development, and overall ecosystem expansion also play a crucial role. Consequently, while we anticipate that a larger user base will contribute positively to token value, exact projections are not feasible due to the variable nature of these influencing factors.

5.7. What is insider trading, and how does Maany prevent it?

Insider trading involves the use of non-public, confidential information to gain an unfair advantage in financial markets, often leading to unethical trading practices and market manipulation.

Maany takes a proactive approach to prevent insider trading through a combination of strict internal controls and transparent governance. Key measures include:

  • Governance Oversight: The Maany Council, an independent and democratically elected board, plays a critical role in overseeing the project's operations. This council ensures that all community members are treated fairly and that governance processes are transparent.
  • Transparency and Information Access: Maany maintains strict rules to ensure that all users have equal access to relevant information. This transparency helps level the playing field and reduces the risk of unfair advantage.
  • Monitoring and Enforcement: The platform implements robust monitoring systems to detect and address any suspicious activities. Regular audits and checks are conducted to uphold these standards and enforce compliance.

By adhering to these practices, Maany aims to create a fair trading environment and prevent any form of market manipulation, safeguarding the interests of all token holders.

6. Other
6.1. Is Maany open source?

It is state-of-the-art for blockchain-related code to be open source and dApp-related code to be closed source because this approach balances transparency, security, and innovation. Open source blockchain code builds trust and allows for community-driven security enhancements, aligning with the principles of decentralization, while closed source dApp code protects proprietary business models, unique features, and competitive advantages.

6.2. What is a Ponzi scheme, and why isn’t Maany one?

A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment scheme that promises high returns with little risk by paying returns to earlier investors using the capital of newer investors, rather than generating actual profits. Over time, Ponzi schemes collapse when there are not enough new investors to pay returns to earlier participants.

Maany is not a Ponzi scheme for several reasons:

  • Real Value Creation: Maany is built on a genuine platform that generates value through its ecosystem and community engagement. The project's revenues come from its operational activities and services, not from new investments.
  • Transparency: Maany is committed to transparency. The project provides clear information about how funds are raised, allocated, and used, ensuring that investors and the community have full visibility into financial operations.
  • Governance and Regulation: The Maany Council, an independent and democratically elected board, oversees the project’s activities. This governance structure ensures that decisions are made in the best interest of the community and adheres to ethical standards.
  • Sustainable Growth: Unlike Ponzi schemes, Maany focuses on sustainable growth through value creation and innovation, rather than relying on an endless influx of new investors.
6.3. Why do you use tokens instead of euros?

Maany uses tokens rather than traditional currencies like euros for several important reasons:

  • Enhanced Flexibility: Tokens are designed specifically for the Maany platform, enabling various functionalities such as transactions, rewards, and access to services in a way that traditional currencies cannot.
  • Global Accessibility: Tokens facilitate global participation by removing the barriers of currency exchange and geographical restrictions, making it easier for users worldwide to engage with the platform.
  • Community Ownership: Tokens support Maany’s decentralized model, ensuring that the project is collectively owned by its users rather than controlled by a single entity. This helps prevent takeover by large investors and fosters shared ownership and engagement.
  • Independence and Transparency: Utilizing tokens and blockchain technology ensures that Maany operates independently of external financial systems. This decentralized approach enhances transparency and reduces the risk of manipulation by individual investors with significant capital.
  • Innovation and Efficiency: Tokens leverage blockchain’s benefits, such as security, transparency, and efficiency. They enable features like smart contracts that enhance the platform’s functionality and user experience.
  • Incentive Alignment: Tokens align incentives within the ecosystem, rewarding contributions and encouraging behaviors that support the platform’s growth, which is often more complex to manage with traditional fiat currencies.

In summary, tokens are integral to Maany’s vision, ensuring the project remains community-driven, independent, and capable of leveraging blockchain technology’s advantages.

6.4. What is the difference between a Ponzi scheme and market manipulation? 

Ponzi Scheme vs. Market Manipulation:

  • Ponzi Scheme: A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment scam where returns are paid to earlier investors using the funds from new investors, rather than from legitimate profits. It depends on a constant influx of new participants to sustain payouts and eventually collapses when it becomes impossible to attract new investors. Ponzi schemes are illegal and designed to deceive investors by promising high returns without actual underlying value or profit.
  • Market Manipulation: Market manipulation involves deceptive practices aimed at artificially influencing the price of an asset or market conditions. This can include spreading false information, making misleading trades, or creating fake trading volumes. While illegal, market manipulation differs from a Ponzi scheme in that it targets market prices rather than defrauding investors through unsustainable payout structures.

Why Maany is Not a Ponzi Scheme or Engaged in Market Manipulation:

  • Token Distribution and Utility: Maany operates with a transparent and legitimate token distribution model. The Maany tokens are used to incentivize and reward participation in the platform, with clear mechanisms for earning and redeeming tokens. Unlike a Ponzi scheme, Maany does not rely on new investors to pay returns to existing ones. Instead, its value proposition is based on the growth and success of the platform itself.
  • Regulatory Compliance and Transparency: Maany adheres to strict regulatory and compliance standards. Transactions and activities are recorded on a blockchain, providing an open and immutable ledger that users can access and verify. This transparency helps prevent fraudulent activities and ensures that all operations are visible and accountable.
  • Governance and Community Oversight: The Maany Council, an independent and democratically elected body, oversees governance and ensures that the platform operates ethically and within legal boundaries. Key decisions are made through community voting, which adds a layer of oversight and helps prevent any potential manipulative or fraudulent behavior.
  • Anti-Manipulation Measures: Advanced tools and systems are implemented to detect and prevent market manipulation. This ensures fair trading practices and protects the integrity of the platform.

In summary, Maany’s structure is designed to be transparent, compliant, and community-driven, with robust measures in place to prevent both Ponzi scheme-like behavior and market manipulation.